Neljä nuorta vetosohvan kyydissä


Here you will find towables from several top manufacturers! You can also browse the range by size: 1-2 persons, From 1 to 3 persons and 1-4 persons towables. The range includes shapes like the classic donut or tube, flat deck, seated couch and even more specialised towables. We guarantee that everyone will have fun and a smile on their face!

Our products are known for their quality and durability, which is guaranteed by the very high quality valves and the durable, safe and abrasion-free top covers and heavy duty pulling points used in the products.

See the water skis here!

22 products

Veneen perässä vedettävillä vetorenkailla

Tarjoat hupia koko perheelle tai mökkiporukalle! Laadukkaat, monipuoliset ja ennenkaikkea hauskat vetorenkaat ovat kesän ykkösjuttuja! Valikoimastamme löydät ehkä ikonisimman vesiurheilubrändi O'Brienin vetorenkaat, vetorenkaiden köydet ja muut tarvikkeet.