Customer promise

10 reasons to choose us

1. Our priority is to provide our customers with a good and professional service, and our product selection is always based on the customer's needs and purpose. Our experts will only recommend products that meet the customer's needs.

2. We always try to choose the best value for money products for our shop. We test our products ourselves so that we can recommend them to our customers.

3. You can always rely on our product descriptions. We always try to give you as much information as possible about the product so that you can make your choice easier. However, if any essential information is missing, please let us know and we will clarify it.

4. Exchange and return of products is always free of charge for you. The exchange and return period is up to 30 days. The warranty, exchange and return process is very fast with us.

5. The quality of our products is top notch, as evidenced by the fact that less than 1% of our orders result in promotional treatments.

6. We offer all the most common payment methods, so you can choose the one that suits you best.

7. For us, customer satisfaction is everything and we are happy to answer all your water sports related questions.

8. We update our blog as often as possible to ensure that you, our customers, receive as much new information about our products as possible.

9. You will find several different guides on our website to help you choose your products easily.

10. Fast delivery. On average, all orders are delivered within 1-3 working days after ordering, if the product is in stock. The average delivery time is 7-10 working days from order.