Harppuuna Cressi Cherokee Fast
- Tehokas tuplakumiharppuuna
- Integroitu kela

Anticorodal black frame with integrated spear guide, grip made of engineering plastic reinforced with glass fibre, high or low soft sternal support. Composite material release mechanism with trigger, release tooth and lateral guide line release obtained from the base. The shock absorber makes silent the release of the shaft. Reversible... Lue lisää alta ↓
Anticorodal black frame with integrated spear guide, grip made of engineering plastic reinforced with glass fibre, high or low soft sternal support. Composite material release mechanism with trigger, release tooth and lateral guide line release obtained from the base. The shock absorber makes silent the release of the shaft. Reversible side safety mechanism. Reinforced reel with steel pin buckle. Head for double elastic with magnetic spear lock: as soon as the spear is put in place, it is held by two magnets mounted in a watertight chamber. This characteristic guarantees maximum speed of reset without the disadvantages of conventional mechanical restraint systems
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Toimituskulut alkaen 4,90€.
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